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16 December, 2011

JLB and Team Anna

There is a lot of hue and cry on JLB. Team Anna is holding the democracy of 100 Crore to ransom, should it be allowed? The cause is just and so is the concern, but is the approach democratic / just. The issue is by acting like this hew of our esteemed fellow citizens are putting the Nation to shame.
JLB is all right and we should definitely have a strong LB but is it sufficient and will it bring corruption to an end. Why can’t we have a body like civil society with a wide spread network to act as watch dog. People report incidents to it and they tackle the matter in Gandhian way. This way we will be helping the administration and ourselves too in getting rid of the menace of corruption from our country. This may take time but can be effective.
It is strongly felt that team Anna should stop acting in a manner that embarrasses the Govt., and dilutes its position in the world.

13 December, 2011

Helpless Prime minister

It is a strange predicament for the PM. On one end we keep listening to statement from the leaders that allocation of portfolios is the prerogative of the PM and on the other parties bargain for a particular berth in the cabinet for alliance. This raises a doubt about the statement that the elected ones are there to serve. The smaller parties bargain for a particular ministry as if one is more lucrative than the other. If that be the case then one is left with no illusion but the fact that they are there to make money and benefit their kith and kin. It is quite surprising that their assets multiply at astronomical pace irrespective of the National growth.
If the leaders of the party have to always remain manipulating support to remain in saddle then there will always be merry go round on all the time. Why can’t the parties allow the PM to have his own team based on merits so that he may be in a position to provide efficient governance to the country, and take the country forward?

12 December, 2011

Ahemdabad the Best City to live in.

The survey report saying that the best city to live in India is Ahmedabad has made us all proud. We are indebted to The CM for his stewardship and this Govt., for achieving this feat. Now we all have an added responsibility on our shoulders to sustain this position and in fact we must commit ourselves to furthering this position. The areas which need to be paid attention are safety norms on the roads, improving hygienic conditions, ensuring that no unfortunate incident like the Hospital fire in Kolkata takes place in our city or state. We need to display respect for the traffic norms. We must ensure that two wheelers and autos do not enter dedicated cycle lane, and vice versa that is when on cycle we should ride in the cycle lane. Just imagine how beautiful the traffic circles will look when Zebra crossing is clear for pedestrians, traffic is moving smoothly in the left turning lane when there is a long serpentine queue of vehicles awaiting the traffic light to go green.
All the high rise buildings Hospitals and Hotels must ensure that the fire safety norms are strictly adhered to, so that the city does not earn a bad name due to any loss to life or property.
We as citizens must remain alert and be ready to come to the rescue of anyone who has been robbed, and report to the authorities when we come across any person of dubious character. It we the citizens who can ensure that all the chain snatchers are behind the bars
Let us all commit to do our bit and make our city proud.

01 December, 2011

Let The parliament function

The citizens are feeling cheated. The only news which one reads is about adjournment of the house. The parliament is not functioning and the exchequer is being squeezed and drained out. Why the ones responsible for the act can’t be held accountable and penalized for the same? The representatives are asking for perks, beacon lights, and to be taken up in the protocol list, is that being fair to the people? The reason being put forwarded is the bureaucrats do not give them due respect. In this case we should keep in mind that we get respect in accordance with our deeds and not as per our position.
We request our leaders to stop brick batting, mudslinging as well as accusing each other to stop the down ward slide of the dignity is associated with their position. Have mercy of the Aam Aadmi and let the parliament run.

29 November, 2011

India Against Corruption

India Against Corruption One wonders as to why the team Anna is making noises when the ones in power are reacting in a totally expected manner. We should not get perturbed by the cases being filed or inquiries being ordered for these are the known tools of the government to terrorize and scare the ones who do not tow their line. We must wait and watch, let the investigating agencies get frustrated in their futile attempt to find something in-discriminating. When we come out clean then the nation will ask those in authority the justification for their actions. All the best Kiran Bedi you will come out unscathed. Let the team do not lose its focus from the main issue of JLB and corruption. Watch out for the parties who are disrupting the parliament for they might be providing an excuse to the government for not passing the bill.

04 August, 2011

SICKNESS - Madam Sonia

It is a slur on our claim of being a mature democracy and that too a known figure in scientific development. The leaders of the Nation do not recognize the talented medicos of the country who are praised and trusted by the world over.
Secondly why this undisclosed illness. One hopes it is not the fever of approaching scorching August 16. The leaders must realize that it is the rats who leave the ship first in the event of approaching danger. Why are you leaving poor Manmohan Singh back to bear the brunt for no fault of his
Madam, The Nation as well as the National party needs to see your grit and determination in handling the issues before the government like, Anna, CWG, @G Scam, Sheela Dixit, Etc the list is too long.
It is felt that the prominent personalities of the Nation must set an example before the Nation and try and improve the dwindling faith of people in the system.

22 July, 2011


The people are totally confused and don’t know what to do? Every day the news coverage unearths one after another scam. The statements of the politicians can be labeled as childish. They keep harping on the follies / omissions of the other in order to justify their own. Senior leaders like Digvijay keep creating controversies intermittently for their selfish motive to be in spotlight. The comments on the judicial system are on the rise for the politicians are scared because the judiciary is becoming proactive. Amar Singh being questioned now after three years indicates how slow our ailing investigating setup is. Commoner like Anna Hazare feel threatened for raising voice against corruption. It is time that we the people should take on the responsibility and support those working for the improvement of the society.

30 June, 2011

PM and the Media

The PM in his long overdue interaction with the media mentioned that scams are an aberration. One wonders whether 20-30 scams in a short period can be termed as an aberration. The scams in the recent past have been of a very high level involving most touch me not types. The memories of scams like Fodder, satyam, Telgi, Havala, CWG, IPL, Adarsh Society, Police Quarters in Mumbai, Land scam in Karnatka, 2-G are still fresh in the minds of all and now the whistle has been blown over the Kandla Port Land.
Let the PM act firm and ensure that those involved are booked and charged. The cases should be settled fast and the loss to the exchequer should be made up by confiscating the assets of the culprits and their relatives.
He must further caution the leaders for not projecting anyone else as the PM as long as the PM is in the chair for this amounts to humiliating the PM.

24 June, 2011


It is surprising that when it comes to bribe Government says it is going to have strict laws to tackle and the same statement is issued in case of black money, incidents of rape, etc. One wonders if we were so far living in a totally law less society. Everyone felt that ours was the best written constitution and we are the biggest growing democracy, but these types of knee jerk reactions from the government makes one believe that we were wrong.

22 June, 2011

Safety of children - road etiquette

What are we teaching our children?

It is a regular everyday site for children to see their parents, teachers and others breaking the rules at the drop of hat. The good work done by town planners and the government to provide with wider multilane roads having footpath as well as lane for cyclists is undermined by we the citizens. The children see motorized two wheelers, auto rikshas in the lane allocated for the cyclists.

People park their vehicles at the extreme left of the road, when they have to go to the right. We block the Zebra crossing completely while waiting for the signal to go green. Are these by any stretch of imagination indicators of being cultured, educated worthy of being social? All this we do without bothering for the fact that the children learn by imitation. By our these careless acts endangering the lives of our children.

There are few a suggestion for the traffic police which I think would definitely help and I am sure they would be knowing these as it is:
i. Block the exit of cycle track near the cross road and impose a heavy fine.
ii. Raid the school buses coming the wrong way.
iii. Request people not to jump the line at the cross road.
iv. Request people to follow the correct lane.
v. Request volunteers to assist in this noble task of educating people.


20 June, 2011


Halla bulla on Lokpal Bill
As a simple citizen who does not understand intricacies of law one fails to understand why so much hue and cry on legislation to curb bribe. The earlier legislation having failed and government as well as the biggest political party being in slumber what is wrong in Civil Society taking upon itself to awaken the government as well as the citizens towards this menace.
Let us all support the cause irrespective of who leads it. We should keep our eyes open to the government tactics of witch hunting to silence the crusaders of the cause.

11 May, 2011

Toll tax - Veterans

Lt Col ( Retd ) I B Dutt
It is quite surprising that the Government is downgrading the prestige of decorated veterans to this level that is expects the veterans to carry their decorations along with in order to claim exemption in toll tax. One wonders as how much would it cost the Government to give a sweeping exemption for the veterans and their dependents from all the toll taxes. I am quite sure the amount involved over couple of decades would be less than the one lost by the state ion any one scandal.
Now, from the veteran’s point of view, the amount involved is peanuts but it gives them a separate identity. Not only that the dependents would feel that the service rendered by their elders have given them a special status. This gesture would act as a motivational factor for the young ones to join the forces.
What a paradox it is that whenever the lives of people are in danger, or there is a calamity, law and order problem, search for a lost copter in inhospitable terrain, arranging an event of National level, etc., we think of the most dependable and disciplined force that is defense forces but when there is any relaxation / perk, howsoever minuscule it might be, we are reluctant.

24 February, 2011

Learning Mathematics.

Mathematics is beyond doubt the most important tool for higher education and research. Being generally textual in nature becomes monotonous if not tackled skilfully. In the current scenario of exploding communication technology and computers we can handle the subject very effectively and also make it interesting and lucid. In this field one has to view the product of Designmate (India ) Pvt. Ltd., to believe as to what can be achieved by dedicated and committed digitalisation of the contents. The topics are so well animated that the children are glued to the computers and learn the subject.
In order to keep alive the interest in Mathematics we the mathematics teachers must keep ourselves updated all the time to ensure that the students don’t lose interest in this most important subject.