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30 June, 2011

PM and the Media

The PM in his long overdue interaction with the media mentioned that scams are an aberration. One wonders whether 20-30 scams in a short period can be termed as an aberration. The scams in the recent past have been of a very high level involving most touch me not types. The memories of scams like Fodder, satyam, Telgi, Havala, CWG, IPL, Adarsh Society, Police Quarters in Mumbai, Land scam in Karnatka, 2-G are still fresh in the minds of all and now the whistle has been blown over the Kandla Port Land.
Let the PM act firm and ensure that those involved are booked and charged. The cases should be settled fast and the loss to the exchequer should be made up by confiscating the assets of the culprits and their relatives.
He must further caution the leaders for not projecting anyone else as the PM as long as the PM is in the chair for this amounts to humiliating the PM.

24 June, 2011


It is surprising that when it comes to bribe Government says it is going to have strict laws to tackle and the same statement is issued in case of black money, incidents of rape, etc. One wonders if we were so far living in a totally law less society. Everyone felt that ours was the best written constitution and we are the biggest growing democracy, but these types of knee jerk reactions from the government makes one believe that we were wrong.

22 June, 2011

Safety of children - road etiquette

What are we teaching our children?

It is a regular everyday site for children to see their parents, teachers and others breaking the rules at the drop of hat. The good work done by town planners and the government to provide with wider multilane roads having footpath as well as lane for cyclists is undermined by we the citizens. The children see motorized two wheelers, auto rikshas in the lane allocated for the cyclists.

People park their vehicles at the extreme left of the road, when they have to go to the right. We block the Zebra crossing completely while waiting for the signal to go green. Are these by any stretch of imagination indicators of being cultured, educated worthy of being social? All this we do without bothering for the fact that the children learn by imitation. By our these careless acts endangering the lives of our children.

There are few a suggestion for the traffic police which I think would definitely help and I am sure they would be knowing these as it is:
i. Block the exit of cycle track near the cross road and impose a heavy fine.
ii. Raid the school buses coming the wrong way.
iii. Request people not to jump the line at the cross road.
iv. Request people to follow the correct lane.
v. Request volunteers to assist in this noble task of educating people.


20 June, 2011


Halla bulla on Lokpal Bill
As a simple citizen who does not understand intricacies of law one fails to understand why so much hue and cry on legislation to curb bribe. The earlier legislation having failed and government as well as the biggest political party being in slumber what is wrong in Civil Society taking upon itself to awaken the government as well as the citizens towards this menace.
Let us all support the cause irrespective of who leads it. We should keep our eyes open to the government tactics of witch hunting to silence the crusaders of the cause.