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14 December, 2013


In a fast growing metro like Ahmedabad is observed that though the government may do anything possible under the sun but nothing is going to ease the problem unless we the citizens co-operate and learn. In fact the, reality on ground indicates that we behave worst than even the animals. We see that the parents, the school vans, the auto rikshaws break the rules without even bothering for the fact that we are inadvertently training our younger generation on the wrong footing. People have no regard for the traffic signs painted in bold letters on the road.
It is pathetic that in the presence of the traffic police the tow wheelers drive on track meant for the cyclists. They cross the Zebra crossing and block the passage for the traffic which gets green light. This bottleneck slows the traffic and also endangers the lives of others. In addition those who can move to the left are also not allowed to move by the cluster of Two wheelers / even at times by Buses / cars. This further adds to the blockage of traffic. Then there are those who have to move to the right but are standing at the left most edge of the traffic column, and when the traffic gets green signal and starts at breakneck speed these fellows appear right in front of the straight moving traffic. The worst is even after breaking all the rules they meet with an accident then they have the face to fight too. Not only this others join in and add to the commotion.
Will the authorities take a note of it


The expose by Cobra has once again exposed the corrupt practices common among politicians. The most important thing which people have to learn is that the people of the country have awakened. The other thing which we need to convey is that the people, Party as well as as the Govt., will not tolerate corrupt. In that direction the immediate action the parties must take is to suspend theses blokes from their respective parties, people must dump them and then the judiciary shd punish them in the fast track courts. In fact the most effective way would be they should be stoned / hanged in full public view so that their punishment acts as deterrent for others.
The other issue is why were people wanting recommendation letters. Well the reason could be that the Govt., offices work at snail's pace and people wanted the proposals to move faster, in that case the heads of the concerned department should be taken to task for inefficiency and punished accordingly. The other reasons could be they wanted to get the proposal through out of turn, get proposal through even though they being ineligible, getting the proposal through at a lower rate etc., in all these possibilities it is corruption and act amounting to causing loss to exchequer so must be treated as treason.

Another point which comes out is why no politician for ruling major party, is it that all of them are pious or it is by design. Pious they are not for there have been numerous expose / scandals in the past and well known names  have figured like, Vadra, Kalmadi, Raja etc.,. that means it is by design that Cong has been spared so exemplary action must be taken against Cobra.