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29 September, 2010


All the right thinking and educated Indians who want to put an end to whimsical and high headed attitude of politicians must come in support of the harassed IAS officer Mr. Raju Sharma. The political bosses use the threat of posting to make bureaucrats to dance to their tune. Though one may say that the individual must stand for injustice all by his own self, but it is easy to say than practice. When the education of children is involved it becomes a weak point and the individual gets exploited.
Let all those who matter and those who do not support this brave and courageous bureaucrat.

28 September, 2010


It is surprising that a few persons for their ulterior motives are holding the future of Kashmiris to ransom. These few have never won an election and still claim to represent the Kahmiris. If they are so much interested in the well being of the people why don’t they join the main stream and prove that they are the true representatives of the people?

The second thing they need to answer is that if somebody attacks their home or property will they not retaliate? The act of putting ablaze government property and putting the life of commoners to danger is a serious issue and those responsible for providing security have to act to stop the act. The law enforcing agencies are using sufficient restrain in use of force but when situation demands they have to act. On the contrary if they are true well wishers they should advocate deterrent action to discourage such violent acts.

Next they must tell the people what they will give to the state which this country has not given and how? Can they set up industries, lay railway tracks, set up educational institutions, promote tourism, spread road network, provide airways, supply electricity, etc. The answer is loud and clear No, then how can they benefit the citizen? They are creating obstacles in the progress of the state and should be held responsible for the current unrest in the state.

The hardliners are requested to work in the interest of and for the betterment of the state.

25 September, 2010


It is once again a matter of great concern that an individual expressing his thoughts / point of view is being compared with revolting. Does it mean that when an intellectual joins he should stop thinking? Does it imply that on joining a party or being part or government one has to follow group and keep personal views in safe custody beyond the reach of anyone. Is this a true democratic approach? This is a question that we all should ask, for if it is true many thinkers may avoid being part of a group devoid of intellect.

Coming to the current issue. Looking at the living condition of our brethren spending 70,000 crore on sports definitely appears to be a wastage. The argument that it is for image building does not hold water, since eradicating poverty; making education and medical facilities available are also image building activities, so what wrong is Mani saying? Mani reminds us of the approach on foreign policy and stand we have taken in the past or he advocates that the Panchayat should be involved in developmental activities of the area etc., and for this positive approach we declare him a rebel, are we fair to him?

Let the democracy grow and flourish without gagging or branding if we are interested in a healthy democracy, which I am sure we all are.

Keep it up Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyer, the government needs to be poked and forced to think and this can be done by people like you. Just by somebody naming one a rebel one does not become one.

24 September, 2010


It is a fact that but for the relentless effort and hard work the inactions of the people at the helm of affairs can’t come to light. It is their effort that opened the eyes of the people to the epidemic of corruption, the huge amount of Indian wealth stacked in safe heavens, the black money stored by the leaders and high ranking officials in novel ways; the misuse of authority and position, etc., the list is an unending one.

Having said that it is felt that we are Indians and are responsible to safeguard the dignity, position and prestige of our Nation. In this context the timing and the time / space given by the media to a particular disclosure / act is of paramount importance. By no stretch of imagination it is suggested that the issue should be pushed under the carpet. The issue at this point is that of CWG. It is felt that if all the connected aspects i.e., corruption, condition of village, collapse of bridge in case were not given so much air then it is felt that humiliation / damage could have been less.

22 September, 2010


The front page photos and the repeated news on all the TV channels reflect nothing but one fact and that is for the world to know that we have a real thick hide. What a disgrace that the inspecting committee forms a view that the village is inhabitable. To add to the insult is the collapsed bridge. This all after the disgraceful disclosure of bribery and even the position of Mr Kalmadi.
One is even more surprised at the statement of the Delhi CM, the contractor has been black listed. What a punishment for bringing disgrace to the nation an causing injury to 27.
The nation should seek an answer from these leaders as to why the contractor, the engineer, the government officials responsible for inspection etc., were not put behind the bar immediately.

06 September, 2010



In some parts of the press it appeared that the government was contemplating to bypass / hoodwink the Supreme court. The argument that in case the procurement is capped to the storage capacity then the farmers will be forced to go to the local dealers who will exploit them somehow does not go down well. Does this mean that the government has become so generous that it is ready to sacrifice the badly needed funds for the welfare of the farmers? The Government needs to be reminded, that we still have a very large chunk of population below poverty line. We do not have our education system in place and health care is a far cry. The economy starts shivering at the slightest breeze anywhere on the globe. Numbers of our states are under the influence of violence, the road network development needs funds, Communications are developing and need more funds and focused attention, Judiciary needs expansion for speedy delivery of justice etc., the list is very long. Under the circumstances the approach of the government as appeared in the media appears to be void of reason. Even if it is to help and protect the farmers one fails to comprehend as to what is wrong in free distribution of the grain to the poor and hungry rather than allowing it to rot.

Let good sense prevail and the wise decision of the highest court in the country be honoured and followed.

04 September, 2010

Naxal Terror

The news headlines stating that the search operations have been intensified would not be of any use or consolation for the affected families.

The assurances by Chief Minister or for that matter even Prime Minister cannot provide any solace to the families whose future is doomed.

It is surprising that why the people do not recognize their own strength. They need to identify their true leaders , and the leaders must take it upon themselves to see to it that justice is meted out to the people.
We see the people coming on the road at the drop of hat to protest a minor accident, mistreatment at hospital, traffic police holding a law breaker, police arresting a leader for a serious criminal act, etc. The point we all have to understand and accept is that no agency can provide security to everybody at all the times and at all the places. It is we, the citizens who have to take initiative, realize our responsibility and act. If all the people take it upon themselves the responsibility of being law abiding citizens then only can we see the dawn of peace, progress and happiness. We must follow the rules and apply peer pressure on others. By no stretch of imagination it is being suggested that anyone should take law into his / her own hands, but we must provide the much needed helping hand. If all of us remain vigilant then the day is not far when all of us will feel secure, safe, and happy. This only will get us the true benefits of democracy as well as prosperity. If we remain committed, vigilant, and together in our moment towards our responsibilities then we will have lesser traffic violation, no littering of roads, no domestic violation, no exploitation of children and poor, no ill treatment of elderly, etc.


01 September, 2010


It is in response to the news item Mamta deployed RPF for Lalgarh Rally, kept center, state in dark.
It is very surprising for a commoner to comprehend the ideal that our ministers can and do use the National assets at their own discretion and in accordance with their own whims and fancies. The act in question has larger ramifications. One has to just visualize the financial burden that the exchequer has to bear. The people in uniform are scantily equipped, they don’t have sufficient family accommodation, they work in hostile environment, they are not spared for training, they lack necessary equipment etc., but still we use them as our personnel asset.
We are allowing our leaders to take us for a ride. Has the honorable Mamta Banerjee ever thought if something had gone at Lalgarh what would have been the consequences. Who would have been held responsible for the loss to life and property. How can a Minister be so selfish as to compromise someone else’s security for personal gains or security?

This clearly indicates towards one thing and that is they care two hoots for the Government , people, parliament ( to which they are answerable ), Prime Minister, etc. They give such lectures that anybody would be impressed with that but now people have started understanding.
The authorities must take the culprits to task and clearly send a message loud and clear the nobody will be allowed to compromise with the life and property /assets of the Nation. The Government is custodian and is obliged to protect the interest of its citizens.