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25 September, 2010


It is once again a matter of great concern that an individual expressing his thoughts / point of view is being compared with revolting. Does it mean that when an intellectual joins he should stop thinking? Does it imply that on joining a party or being part or government one has to follow group and keep personal views in safe custody beyond the reach of anyone. Is this a true democratic approach? This is a question that we all should ask, for if it is true many thinkers may avoid being part of a group devoid of intellect.

Coming to the current issue. Looking at the living condition of our brethren spending 70,000 crore on sports definitely appears to be a wastage. The argument that it is for image building does not hold water, since eradicating poverty; making education and medical facilities available are also image building activities, so what wrong is Mani saying? Mani reminds us of the approach on foreign policy and stand we have taken in the past or he advocates that the Panchayat should be involved in developmental activities of the area etc., and for this positive approach we declare him a rebel, are we fair to him?

Let the democracy grow and flourish without gagging or branding if we are interested in a healthy democracy, which I am sure we all are.

Keep it up Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyer, the government needs to be poked and forced to think and this can be done by people like you. Just by somebody naming one a rebel one does not become one.

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