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14 February, 2014


What Arvind Kejrewal is doing is nothing but playing with the sentiments of people. All the actions indicate that there is no vision, no planning, no agenda, no experience, etc. How could they declare 50% reduction in electricity bills, free water, encourage and reward people who break the law, no action against Somnath Bharti, No action against his party men asking for TV, Micro, AC, Fridge etc at Govt cost, etc., why should he deliberately act against laid down norms / procedures. What is his intention of holding session out side house i.e., in stadium etc.
In general he is acting in a manner which can be safely termed as working against the Nation. How can and why should the central Govt remain a mute spectator. It is high time the Govt must act and convey that no act against the state / people will be accepted. How can they even think of distributing public money to few just for getting votes.
Even the threats he has been giving are hollow. He says if bill not passed he would resign, well the point here is that the bill would not be passed if there is no majority and in case his party does not have majority then they don't have any right to be in power.
He says i will sacrifice CM post, well Mr AK you can sacrifice something which is rightfully yours. In this case you are in chair at the mercy of Cong. In case you have guts why did you accept the support. Getting bills passed is the responsibility of the party in power then why do you blame others for your failures?
Please learn to respect others views and laid down norms. You cannot have your say always, others too have a sense of understanding and good IQ.

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