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31 August, 2010

CBI and Mayawati

In response to the news item that the Supreme Court has deferred the Mayawati case. What an excuse and the honorable court agreeing to. How can one believe that there is only one lawyer representing her, One is quite sure that there would be a battery of lawyers defending her and her case.


It is very shameful and disgraceful conduct by the sports persons. We have been taught that sports specially the team games have strong influence of the all-round development of one’s personality and character building. This is the reason that everybody is encouraged and motivated to get involved in team game.

The sports imbibe in person the much desired qualities like, helping attitude, sacrifice, concern for others, tolerance, unrighteousness, courage of conviction, discipline etc., the list advantages of sports is very very long.
We come from a humble beginning, most of the sports persons started playing in the lanes, on the roads, in the empty plots of land, etc. There are few who were fortunate to have had access to modern coaches / training facilities.
Coming from such a beginning our sports persons are stinking rich and have established business chains. One fails to understand as to where will all this appetite for money lead to. The exposures indicate that there are no moral values left anymore.

The players have not only disgraced their family or country but they have tarnished the image of sports persons / sports men who are global personality. Nobody can be given the liberty to play around with the reputation of a global community. It is for some greedy and selfish persons that the whole sports community is getting a thrashing and getting in disrepute.

It is the need of the hour that strongest possible condemnation should be done of the episode and the persons involved in particular. We must send a clear message that there is going to be no breathing space for such persons on our globe so that people abstain from getting involved in such unethical and disgraceful activities.

27 August, 2010


It in response to the news item “Judges writing LLM examination caught copying”

The issue is not the suspension of the judges by the Andhra Pradesh High Court for cheating in their first year of LLM examination, but the bigger question is that is it sufficient to have same punishment under the law for the same offense for all.

I was pondering if the punishment for breaking traffic rules by a commoner and a traffic police person should be same. Punishment for a police officer or a judicial officer engaged in smuggling, rape, theft or murder be same as for an established gangster or criminal. Atrocities on women or domestic violence for an educated high profile person and a slum dweller should invite same quantum of punishment.

Any person with normal IQ would agree that the treatment of the cases against those in power / custodians of law / public figures / educated / etc., should be entirely different, not only different but it should be most deterrent and passed on at the fastest possible pace. At times one is constrained to believe that the delay is by design for the people to forget. The people who are in public domain and are in the know of the nitty-gritty of the law use it to their advantage. First response as that they have been framed, then they get sick to avoid arrest. Just we have heard that CBI has stated that they are ready to file a charge sheet against a high profile politician of UP after years have lapsed. People indulging in contempt of the court are also generally public figures and one sees that nothing happens to them. Recent visuals of a tea stall owner in Mumbai being beaten blue and black by a police man with his belt, who himself was in drunk as per police report, in full public view were quite disturbing. Police official claimed that the person was doing dadagiri, is this the way to impose authority?

These serious issues should be addressed and public opinion built up. This important responsibility can only be shouldered by the medial

25 August, 2010


The ex-CM accused of masterminding Rs 1000 crore PDS scam which came to light in 2004 is being arrested now i.e., Aug 2010. What a mockery. The person has enjoyed all the privileges, status, the ill earned money, etc and now at the age of 61 is being arrested. What sort of message will the common man get out of this. Why has it taken so long to arrest the culprits and bring them to the book? We say law is same for everybody whereas what comes to light is completely the opposite of it. A clerk / policeman, banker, drunken driving accused etc., a driver meeting an accident are so promptly put behind the bars and the influential people be it DIG Rathore, Mr Kalmadi, Mr Pardeep Gandhi ( from Chhattisgarh expelled from lok Sabha being found guilty of taking money for raising question in parliament, Operation Duryodhan ), Mr Lalu Yadav ( Fodder Scam ), Miss Mayavati, Mr. Pappu Yadav the list is just unending., keep avoiding arrest / legal action indefinitely. Even they are arrested they by coincident develop health problem and land up in hospital instead of Jail their right and just abode.

The other painful thing is we never come to see any final judgments coming out in high-profile cases. In is felt that in case a running ready reckoner is maintained and published at regular intervals will keep the persons / agencies involved on their toes. It will also keep the people informed and hopeful that the judiciary is taking its course and justice will be meted out. In addition it will act as a prompter for the judiciary to act in a speedy manner.

23 August, 2010

Salaries to Imams, Mahants, Priests, Granthies etc.

Salaries to Imams, Mahants, Priests, Granthies etc.

It is very surprising that there are numerous government employees or otherwise who are working for the people whom we are not able to pay and we are talking of paying the religious preachers. We are generally orthodox people who generously donate at the places of worship. Most of these places are worth crores and crores of rupees with an almost similar holding of precious metal.

One is baffled at the approach of these politicians that it is painful that we have such elected members who are there to grab the assets of the state for themselves, their kith and kin, or doll out for others to meet their aim of gathering votes.

Why no politician pays the salary to the priests of their faith when their own holdings are huge. The people have not forgotten the fodder scam ”more than 1000 crores, the telephone scam “in which Rs 1,500 crore was allegedly pocketed by politicians and bureaucrats—and from whose houses in New Delhi and Mandi the CBI recovered Rs 3.67 crore in hard cash.”, another Politician from UP making memorials worth hundreds of crores of public money, another one spending crores and crores of rupees on birthday bash up, etc. The list of such lavish expenditure, hoarding, scams, misuse etc is unending.

The politicians must keep in mind that they have been entrusted the responsibility of looking after the interest of the people and not work against it. The following from the life of Socrates
“Socrates realized that the Oracle was correct, in that while so-called wise men thought themselves wise and yet were not, he himself knew he was not wise at all, which, paradoxically, made him the wiser one since he was the only person aware of his own ignorance. Socrates' paradoxical wisdom made the prominent Athenians he publicly questioned look foolish, turning them against him and leading to accusations of wrongdoing. Socrates defended his role as a gadfly until the end: at his trial, when Socrates was asked to propose his own punishment, he suggests a wage paid by the government and free dinners for the rest of his life instead, to finance the time he spends as Athens' benefactor. He was, nevertheless, found guilty of corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens and sentenced to death by drinking a mixture containing poison hemlock. According to Xenophon's story, Socrates purposefully gave a defiant defense to the jury because "he believed he would be better off dead".
The politicians should act in a sensible manner and ensure that due justice is done to the responsibility they have been entrusted with. The quality of self sacrifice is very important. They should transact business of the house with total focus on the development of the people, the country and ensure that the meager recourses of the country are protected and put to the optimum benefit of the people.

21 August, 2010

Salary of MPs

What a mockery the MPs are making of the democracy. They are comparing their salary with the bureaucrats, one is surprised as to how can you compare when there is nothing to compare. One can compare similar things / objects but one doesn’t find any similarity.

Bureaucrats study, pass the most competitive examination in the country. They are highly qualified, most of them are holders of Masters degree and many are with doctorate degrees, many are professionally qualified engineers doctors etc. These bureaucrats are working under some rules and regulations, i.e., they have some leave authorization, they are posted from one place to another, they are the ones who are made scapegoats when anything goes wrong, they are held accountable. These people start at the lowest level of the cadre and get promoted based on their performance and confidential reports.

Look at the politicians / MPs. With few exception like Mr Chidambram, Mr. Sibbal, Mr Arun Jatley, etc. most of them are found lacking in their conduct qualification and mannerism. They do not attend to even the parliament for which they have been elected. The exposures have even clearly shown that they demand money for raising a particular issue / question in the Parliament, what a shame. They have number of cases against them ranging from bribery, embezzlement, rape, murder, etc. The beauty is that in all such cases they have only one statement that is” it is conspiracy of opposition” One wonders why can’t they be treated as normal criminals whenever situation arises, if it is found to be a conspiracy then those responsible should be given exemplary punishment. Such an approach will build up the confidence of people in the judiciary as well as Democracy.

With these credentials and having unending list of so called perks how can they even dream of equating themselves with the public servants?

Cattle joining their own two footed brethren.

Cattle joining their own two footed brethren.

Walking on the road alone gives one sufficient time to think independently. That is why it is recommended that one should walk alone and that too long distances. Today during one such outing when I saw a herd on the road a sequence of thoughts started taking shape in my mind.

Firstly the cattle were at a place not meant for them and they were obstructing the traffic. But what then so were the two footed so called most elite and developed spices on earth doing at the Traffic signals.

When the court directed the Municipal corporation to ensure that the cattle nuisance is curbed we had a host of animal lovers joining the owners of the herd shouting their throat hoarse naming the act as an atrocity. Has anybody visited the neighborhood of these so called sympathizers of animals and seen how many animals are around.
It is very easy to lecture than to practice. Since the animals are endangering someone else’s life and property we are lectured on cruelty to animals. In fact it would be a sight to see the reaction of these very people when God forbid they or their loved ones are endangered.

Coming to Traffic, seeing the men women on two wheelers, auto Rikshas and cars creating a road block at the cross roads under the very nose of traffic cops one wonders why is the status of the uniform being allowed to tarnish. People are not just bothered about the presence of cops and keep violating the traffic rules. Keeping in mind the violators of traffic rules one is sure that even if the government doubles the numbers and directs these people in uniform to act as per law they will generate so much revenue that not only their salary but sufficient funds for installation of latest surveillance gadgets will be catered for.

In addition to this so many lives will be saved traffic will move faster and smoothly.

18 August, 2010


A walk on Prahlad garden Road is must to appreciate the efforts of many in particular The Income Tax Department for their sincere effort in promoting Mosquito Breeding. It is not without purpose that they have adopted this project. Firstly they have retained rain water in their, otherwise, vacant lying plot which was inaugurated with great pomp and show by non other than Mr Pranb Mukherji. It is here that their entrepreneurship comes up. They have successfully avoided soil erosion as well as wastage of rain water. They have communicated the policy of live and let live as well as non-violence. Not only this they have provided additional business opportunity to the laboratories, and pharmaceutical industry. They have set an example for others to emulate and it is this leadership that has encouraged few other to start pilot project in their plots.
This is also a deliberate effort to test effective planning and execution of AMC drive for eradication of disease. The above narration clearly gives an indication of the result.

16 August, 2010



The pictures of burning Government [ Note: in fact our own ] property appearing day in and day out are a clear reflection of lack of maturity, misguidance, misguided youth, lack of education, intolerance, lack of faith in our elected leaders, no confidence in democracy etc. The stone pelting mob at the police, mob justice, self styled bodies becoming custodians of our cultural values, are all the signs of barriers in our way to progress.

We should consider the situation as if it was posed to an individual, what if somebody burnt our car, scooter, or thrashed or children / ladies for we did not agree to their point of view. Would be tolerate ever such a reaction, in fact we would retaliate with all our might and available resources. Sop, what wrong does police do when it uses Lathi Charge or water cannon, and when we still do not respond with firing. In this reaction somebody gets injured we once again resort to same violence and this vicious unending circle carries on.

We all must restrain our selves from being mislead and used by few for their ulterior motives. We all must ensure that our property and our lives are not destroyed. The youth are the invaluable tools of progress and the same should be preserved and trained to be law abiding responsible citizens so as to be ready to take over the reins of the Nation.


15 August, 2010

Independence day Commitment

Heartiest congratulations to all The citizens on the occasion of of our Nation's 63rd Independence day. It is a day where we all must carryout introspection and then decide for ourselves if we have lived up to the standard. Have we contributed our little bit to make our country proud. Can we recollect any noble / worth mentioning deed throughout the year.
My point is even if we could not or did not do anything worth mentioning then the least we can do is to make a commitment to our own self to contribute to the progress and prosperity of our great nation " Mera Bharat Mahaan".
We should make a commitment that we will fight Corruption, will not tolerate injustice, we will not be party to destroying / damaging public property, We will not support any group without first accepting their ideology. We will help eradicate illiteracy, poverty, educate our group towards healthy living, cultivate amongst younger generation respect for elders, patriotism, value of life, develop tolerance, etc.
The list is pretty long and all of us know it. The issue is only to remember it, chose our field of interest and make a commitment.

14 August, 2010


In a fast growing metro like Ahmedabad is observed that though the government may do anything possible under the sun but nothing is going to ease the problem unless we the citizens co-operate and learn. In fact the, reality on ground indicates that we behave worst than even the animals. We see that the parents, the school vans, the auto rikshaws break the rules without even bothering for the fact that we are inadvertently training our younger generation on the wrong footing. People have no regard for the traffic signs painted in bold letters on the road.

It is pathetic that in the presence of the traffic police the tow wheelers drive on track meant for the cyclists. They cross the Zebra crossing and block the passage for the traffic which gets green light. This bottleneck slows the traffic and also endangers the lives of others. In addition those who can move to the left are also not allowed to move by the cluster of Two wheelers / even at times by Buses / cars. This further adds to the blockage of traffic. Then there are those who have to move to the right but are standing at the left most edge of the traffic column, and when the traffic gets green signal and starts at breakneck speed these fellows appear right in front of the straight moving traffic. The worst is even after breaking all the rules they meet with an accident then they have the face to fight too. Not only this others join in and add to the commotion.

Will the authorities take a note of it

Lt Col ( Retd ) IB Dutt

13 August, 2010

Turmoil In Valley

What a pathetic scenario. One fails to understand as to why the poor young men should form part of such protests at the first place. I have never heard that the leaders behind the protests ever getting hurt. These so called leaders instigate and make us scape goats. We who have everything to lose should be wise and act in a sensible manner. One is pained at the thought of visualizing the future of these young men. All our symapathies are with the ones hurt and request the young men to take a lesson and donot become tools in the hands of few.Lt Col ( Retd ) IB Dutt


The verbal spat between the top notches of politics is shocking. Why can't Mr Cauhan and Mr Arjun Singh be advised not to wash the dirty linen in public and get the already battered image of Indian politicians take further beating. The leaders must keep in mind that their each move is followed by the people they lead, it is for this reason that they have to be above board in their conduct.

God may give them some wisdom

12 August, 2010

The acts of our politicians are making us all hang our heads in shame. It is becoming an unending sequence of exposures of the greed and disgrace with which our so called leaders are conducting. The stage has come where Mr Chindambaram has displayed courage to ask the Lok sabha to accept its part of blame and sympathize with the victims of Bhopal Gas tragedy. We must keep in mind the only sympathies do not work the government must extend all possible help in terms of treatment, jobs etc.
People involved in CWG scam must be taken to task and that too in an expeditious manner so as to set an example for others.