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18 August, 2010


A walk on Prahlad garden Road is must to appreciate the efforts of many in particular The Income Tax Department for their sincere effort in promoting Mosquito Breeding. It is not without purpose that they have adopted this project. Firstly they have retained rain water in their, otherwise, vacant lying plot which was inaugurated with great pomp and show by non other than Mr Pranb Mukherji. It is here that their entrepreneurship comes up. They have successfully avoided soil erosion as well as wastage of rain water. They have communicated the policy of live and let live as well as non-violence. Not only this they have provided additional business opportunity to the laboratories, and pharmaceutical industry. They have set an example for others to emulate and it is this leadership that has encouraged few other to start pilot project in their plots.
This is also a deliberate effort to test effective planning and execution of AMC drive for eradication of disease. The above narration clearly gives an indication of the result.

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