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31 August, 2010


It is very shameful and disgraceful conduct by the sports persons. We have been taught that sports specially the team games have strong influence of the all-round development of one’s personality and character building. This is the reason that everybody is encouraged and motivated to get involved in team game.

The sports imbibe in person the much desired qualities like, helping attitude, sacrifice, concern for others, tolerance, unrighteousness, courage of conviction, discipline etc., the list advantages of sports is very very long.
We come from a humble beginning, most of the sports persons started playing in the lanes, on the roads, in the empty plots of land, etc. There are few who were fortunate to have had access to modern coaches / training facilities.
Coming from such a beginning our sports persons are stinking rich and have established business chains. One fails to understand as to where will all this appetite for money lead to. The exposures indicate that there are no moral values left anymore.

The players have not only disgraced their family or country but they have tarnished the image of sports persons / sports men who are global personality. Nobody can be given the liberty to play around with the reputation of a global community. It is for some greedy and selfish persons that the whole sports community is getting a thrashing and getting in disrepute.

It is the need of the hour that strongest possible condemnation should be done of the episode and the persons involved in particular. We must send a clear message that there is going to be no breathing space for such persons on our globe so that people abstain from getting involved in such unethical and disgraceful activities.

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