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25 August, 2010


The ex-CM accused of masterminding Rs 1000 crore PDS scam which came to light in 2004 is being arrested now i.e., Aug 2010. What a mockery. The person has enjoyed all the privileges, status, the ill earned money, etc and now at the age of 61 is being arrested. What sort of message will the common man get out of this. Why has it taken so long to arrest the culprits and bring them to the book? We say law is same for everybody whereas what comes to light is completely the opposite of it. A clerk / policeman, banker, drunken driving accused etc., a driver meeting an accident are so promptly put behind the bars and the influential people be it DIG Rathore, Mr Kalmadi, Mr Pardeep Gandhi ( from Chhattisgarh expelled from lok Sabha being found guilty of taking money for raising question in parliament, Operation Duryodhan ), Mr Lalu Yadav ( Fodder Scam ), Miss Mayavati, Mr. Pappu Yadav the list is just unending., keep avoiding arrest / legal action indefinitely. Even they are arrested they by coincident develop health problem and land up in hospital instead of Jail their right and just abode.

The other painful thing is we never come to see any final judgments coming out in high-profile cases. In is felt that in case a running ready reckoner is maintained and published at regular intervals will keep the persons / agencies involved on their toes. It will also keep the people informed and hopeful that the judiciary is taking its course and justice will be meted out. In addition it will act as a prompter for the judiciary to act in a speedy manner.

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