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04 July, 2012

Technology in education

4.    At the outset I would like to add that there can be no technology which can completely eliminate teacher from the learning process. What we are contemplating is what is available to a teacher today that he can make use of to make learning effective and lasting. How can the process of learning be made interesting? We can answer this question if we know what are the difficulties faced by the learner, the teacher and the parents.
The young mind is very sensitive to slightest stimulus. The children can focus / concentrate for a short span of time. They tend to forget and in addition they are allergic to sermons/ moral lectures. They like freedom and consider structured learning environment as restriction onto their freedom. They enjoy being with their peer group and are happy when involved in an activity. The barriers of communication are not confined to the ones given above but the list goes on and on. Those of us who are directly associated with the process of learning need to know all that which would make learning interesting, lasting and enjoyable. All the children are / should be treated as individuals, thus a teacher should become something like a doctor. A doctor knows most of the medicines in the market then he makes a suitable choice and administers the same to his patient, similarly we in the teaching line should keep abreast with the latest developments in the technology and then put to use the most appropriate one.

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